How to make the best of 2023 as an agricultural enthusiast
Five tips to help you get your new year started on a super flex level.
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Wishing you all a Happy new year once again. 2023 is finally here and we are glad you’ve been with us all this while. Today, I will be talking about how you can make the best of 2023 as an Agricultural enthusiast.
Over time, there is always a new year new me kind of resolution, but I have been skeptical for the past few weeks since I seem to see no one make such a post. We are some days down into the new year and everyone seems to be hyper-focused already.
Well, If you are someone like me who just started the year on neutral ground, with loads of goals and tons of tasks meddling in between, and still want to make the best and set high ground in the agricultural sector, then definitely this newsletter is for you! Here are five things you can do to make the best of the new year.
Let's start with the basics. No one understands you as you do, so you definitely might want to start by writing out the tasks you have at hand. This will help you understand where you are coming from, where you are currently at and where you definitely want to be sooner. I know everyone might call this goal setting, goal setting is actually different. It will come later in this newsletter, but, highlighting your current position will help you successfully map out what to do next
“Write out and highlight your uncompleted tasks from the previous year”
Successfully done that? Writing out your tasks might not be the only thing to do. You might want to start listing them by order of priority, this will help you know which to try and work on urgently and which to shift to some other time. Well, the next thing to do is start setting clear goals and targets for the year. This will help you create directions and a clear understanding of what you really want to push for in the new year.
For me, oftentimes, I break my new year's goals into Quarters. The Q1 is always geared toward learning and focusing on what new trends are in the technological world. I try to learn as fast as possible, then blend in smoothly. The Q2 is what I call my execution stage, I have learned and definitely need to practice more. Learning without practicing is a no for me. The more you execute, the more you have a more established idea of what skill you are learning. My Q3 and Q4 are the money era. I shoot for gigs and more. This helps me harness funds to Detty my December and plan my other spending spree.
“Set your goals and target, then break your goals into Quarter of bite-size”
The online space is now oversaturated. Navigating it can be really stressful and boring. Entering a search term on google can return over 1.5 million results, our socials are also kind of filled with different news, comics, videos, and boring sturrvvs. But then, what one way can you make the best of the year with the media? Staying updated with news and digital trends in the agricultural scene. But then, I claimed earlier that the media world is over-SATURATED, what if I show you a way to get updated early enough than others?
As a good friend, I will. You can always stay informed and updated about news and digital trends in the agricultural industry by following agricultural enthusiasts or joining a community of like-minds. We have the likes of Agville, a community that currently gives you the best of everything agri-related. There are also agricultural personalities that you sure can follow on different socials.
“Stay up to date with the latest trends and technology by connecting with other agricultural enthusiasts”
Following these personalities and joining communities will help keep you atop your game. Most of these personalities and communities have access to information earlier than others, and they share them.
One cool thing I can also recommend is upskilling. Upskilling can help set you out beautifully in the agricultural industry. This allows you to be open to a wide series of opportunities once they are opened. Like one of my favorite sayings, the future does not fit in a container of the past”, yeah, you are only fit for an opportunity you are skilled for, therefore it is brilliant to check what the need in the industry is, then upskill and improve yourself.
“Try Upskilling yourself”
Building connections and volunteering can also help skyrocket your stand in the industry. Nowadays, connections and recommendations work faster and sweet. Most people land huge gigs based on recommendations or based on their past volunteering experience, thus, one of the perfect ways to get started is also to volunteer for organizations and bodies.
“Build connections and volunteer to boost your skills”
So, with these tips, I bet you are ready to take on the new year brilliantly. If this email was forwarded to you by a friend or possibly you clicked the link to read, you definitely can click on the subscribe box below to get this mail directly to your inbox.
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